
Support for Iowa’s Farmers

Accu-Steel recently renewed our investment in the Coalition to Support Iowa’s Farmers. CSIF was established in 2004 BY farmers FOR farmers to help those that raise livestock, successfully and responsibly manage changes to their livestock farms. They do this by helping farmers navigate the maze of state and federal regulations, providing a building site analysis, consulting on safeguarding the environment, and enhancing neighbor relations.

coalition to support iowa's farmers logo

Accu-Steel is a proud investor in this organization for its drive to help our local farmers succeed. When the Coalition to Support Iowa Farmers and investors such as Accu-Steel, work together, we help Iowa’s livestock farmers grow and prosper.

Iowa’s farm families face many challenges today and depend on the Coalition to provide them with the help they need to stay on the farm.  Whether they have questions on rules and regulations, planting windbreaks, or how to bring the next generation back to the farm, the Coalition is there to help.

The Coalition to Support Iowa’s Farmers has worked diligently to amplify the benefits of agriculture to Iowa’s economy and quality of life and assist young farmers in pursuing their dreams of raising livestock and poultry.  Thanks in large part to investor’s support, the Coalition is busier today than ever before assisting Iowa’s livestock and poultry farmers. Please visit www.supportfarmers.com to learn more.




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